Monday, November 17, 2014

My Fishing Trip

It was a sunny, Saturday morning. My dad and I decided to go down to the Wellington Harbour in hope we would catch some fish. This was my first time fishing and I had no experience whatsoever. That's when I mentally thanked Hiwi the Kiwi for paying a trip to my school last week. I got so caught up in my memory that I started singing ( Kai Moana.)

''Kai Moana food from the sea.
Kai Moana to feed the family.
Fish for the future and there will always be,
Kai Moana for you and me.''

''Hey. Where did you learn that?'' asked  dad as he started to slowly approach me. When I started to explain to dad about Hiwi the Kiwi, I told him some facts about fishing. '' Well, every time we go fishing and catch a fish, we need to measure it from the inside of its tail!'' , I said.

'' But if its under size, don't we need to put it back using a wet cloth?'', asked dad.

'' Yes you're right. It's so that their protective coating won't come off. It is also protecting  the fish from becoming sick and dying later on.'', I replied with much confidence.

'' At least we've got our life jackets on in case of an emergency.'', said Dad.

'' Yeah that's true.'', I said.

'' What's true ?'' Asked dad. We both started to laugh. Dad and I have always had the same type of random humour. '' Oh I forgot. We need to use the flares for fireworks tonight!'' Said Dad.

'' No!!! Dad, that's dangerous.'' I said.

'' Don't panic I was only joking.'' , Dad replied.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

The change

Rosalie had no clue on what was going on. All she wanted was to live a normal, happy human life. But all that changed once she turned imortal. She was as cold as ice and she felt as if she was the walking dead. Alive in one life then dead in the other.

Before she ever changed into a vampire she was human like all of us. Smart and intelligent were the two words everyone used to describe Rosalie. Now she had felt as if that had all been robed from her. A long time ago when it was the year of 1783, Rosalie had been very popular in the town where she once lived. Her dreams were full of  potential. She never took anything more seriously than her career. Everything that she had put into that one job. All her effort,courage and sacrafice. Vampires could hardly associate or interact with humans. It seems very strange, as they were humans once but in this life they had a life long chance that humans dont. Instead of just living until she was at the age of 80 or 90, she could live forever. Thanks to Royce Haloward everything in Rosalie's life had been turned into dust just in a mater of seconds. Till this day she,Rosalie didnt want to retell that harsh moment of her life no matter how much people asked. She still wouldn't tell.

'' No matter how pathetic your human life is I am not going to say anything",said Rosalie with anger in her voice.

'' My life is not pathetic'' said bella. Rosalie stood frozen as the cool wind passed by'', Please Rosalie. I know you hate me but I promise I won't tell anyone", Says Bella.

" I don't hate you" ,Rosalie replyed. Bella sighed, giving up when Rosalie was just beginning her story.

" It was 1783, Rosalie began. " I was only seventeen but Royce didn't care much about that anyway", Explained Rosalie in a serious tone that made Bella shutter.

" Royce who?", asked Bella with much curiosity.

'' Royce Haloward, Rosalie replied. Bella didn't want to ask anymore questions. She knew it was already tough enough for rosalie to have to explain everything to her. So she just stood in silence. '' Royce and his friends just left me for dead, on the side walk of that allyway.'' '' Thats when Carlisle found me. Its amazing how he could handle blood. Not many of our kind could be as brave as him.''

'' I agree'' , said Bella.

'' Lets go inside. Its getting cold'' , Rosalie said ingnoring Bella.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014

What it takes to be a great swimmer

Swimming is very different in the Commonwealth Games. Held in a 800 meter Olympic sized pool, some of the top competitors from all over the world came together to compete against each other and try their hardest to bring back a gold, silver or bronze medal which from there will be put into their countries history book.

 So before you become a professional swimmer you need to understand the rules and regulations. Freestyle means any stroke apart from breaststroke,butterfly and backstroke. The wall has to be touched at every single turn, upon completion. Part of the swimmer must be above the water level at anytime, except for the first 15 meters.

To be a good swimmer you have to be competitive, you need to train hard and to eat the right food. So to keep your energy levels up you need to make sure you eat these foods: apples, bananas and raisins. Each snack should be followed by a cup of water.

The night before you swim you need to have lots of protein, so you should have something like this for dinner: pasta or rice and beans. In the morning you should eat something light like the following: a whole grain bagel, whole grain toast and fruit at least 2 or 3 hours before the big event.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Term 3 Goal

To learn how to work out perimeter and area problems and why we use it

To start a new paragraph in the correct place

To practice my spelling at home

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Term 1 goals

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sunday, March 16, 2014

In a small corner at the bottom of the cold, freezing Sea there sits a blue, faided Anchor
 that is a home to grumpy old Mr Krabs and his daughter Pearl.

Mr Krab's bright, red shell shone against the morning light as he stood at the window sill wiping the sleep from his long eyes. Mr Krabs , who has small, stubby legs, scuttled across the floor. He got frustrated from trying to open his small, foil bag of Cereal  with his Huge, sharp claws.

Mr Krabs and his evil,enemy Plankton can never get along with each other . Once there was this time when they tried to be friends and Plankton tried to steal the Krabby Patty, Secret formular but it didn't work because Mr Krabs is sitting in his office all the time. Then when Some one comes into the Krusty Krab Mr Krabs goes mentally, madabout money. Sometimes he even
changes the prices on his boring, old menu just to get extra money. When it is Pearl's birthdayMr Krabs doesn't want to buy her presents because he rather keep his money all to him self so he can just give her cups of water instead.

When day comes to night Mr Krabs is sitting in his office all alone counting his money. Then suddenly a walking Krabby patty squeezes through a small, tiny gap in the doors of the Krusty Krab and  is heading its way towards Mr Krabs office. It was Plankton trying to steal the secret formula.Then when Mr Krabs spots the walking krabby patty out of the corner of his eye he runs trying to catch it but every thing in his sight begins to blur and he suddenly falls to the ground as plankton who is operating the walking, krabby patty runs to find some where out of his sight. As Sponge Bob rushes into the Krusty Krab he sees Mr Krabs lying on the floor and and rushes over to him with a dollar note in his hand. As soon as Mr Krabs sees the dollar note he rushes to grab it and puts it in his pocket. " Mr Krabs" " Mr Krabs" shouts Sponge Bob."wake up "When Mr Krabs turns around Plankton try's to run away but Mr Krabs is faster than plankton so when he got to Plankton he kicked him strait out of the Krusty Krabs and till that day Plankton was never seen again.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The goal that sets out my future 2014

I am a year 8 in room 6 at Burnham School and my top goal for this year is to be prepared for high school so that I have all the knowledge I need in order to become a police officer.