Monday, October 3, 2011

Area and perimeter

Terry 'Shania and I had to make a puzzle for our math topic area and perimeter. It at first it Was very hard for us because we lost some pieces but we still completed.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Earth is the 3d planet from the sun. was the only planet discoved with life. Earth is the only planet known to have liquid water. The earth is a planet it is mainly made out of rock and is a round shape like a circle. Earth was the only planet descovered with liquid water. veanus is earths sister planet. Earth is made out of rock/water/soule and lava crust

Monday, July 11, 2011

Measurement Example

This measurement was like a test but it wasent .what i did well was to try my best at the maths work.what i need to work on is to know all my time tabbles inclueing 12s.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Term 2 Goal Reflection

Here are my reflections for my tern 2 learning goals.


Why did the popcorn dance

do you know how to make popcorn dance well i do let me explain to you.  you will need a cup popcorn kernels,vinegar,baking soda,water,food coloring and a spoon. we got the glass 3/4 full of water. then we added food coloring to the water. after we added some vinegar, then stirred it. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011


On Wednesday Room 7 were at Living Springs. we were split into groups. My group went on  the monorail

Firstly I had to carry the seat up the mountain . Next Terry put the seat on the track. Lastly I zoomed down the track It was scary . when I went down the mountain I thought I was going to fall off. We only got two turns because we had to go back to the picnic tables.

Monday, April 11, 2011

by the end of term two

I want to improve on my timetables.                                                                                                              I want to improve on my spelling at school and at home.                 
I want to improve on my neatness in my writing.