Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My term 2 goals


  1. Good work on your goals I like how your writing is nice and clear and also how colourful your trophy is.

  2. I havent acheved my goal to learn my 3,4,&5's times tables so I am going to...
    .practice everyday at home.
    .say them over and over again.
    .write them down repeativly.

    I also havent acheved my goal to measure properly with all types of measuring equiptment so I am going to...
    .practice at home with my dads help
    .practice independantly
    .practice at home during maths. I will learn these goals by august 2014

  3. I havent acheved my goal to learn my 3,4&5's times tables so I am going to ...
    .practice at home.
    .say them over and over again.
    .write them down repeatively.
    I also havent acheved my goal to measure properly using all types of measuring equiptment so i am going to
    .practice at home with my dads help.
    .practice independantly.
    .practice at school during maths.
